A group of researchers from UNSW has developed a new innovation which can literally stop ageing by controlling and improving DNA damages caused by outdoor effects. The research has proven to be so intensifying that NASA is now planning to utilize this innovation for the astronauts, who would be marching to the Mars Mission for the next four years. Even it has surfaced potentiality of being an important remedy for deburring the mature cell damage often seen among Childhood cancer survivors.

According to Science Daily, the team of researchers briefs that a living being's cells have the inner capability to fix and repair DNA damages, which happens on the course of our daily toil. But as time passes, this ability eventually declines with ageing. But this group has identified a way to stop this loss. They stated that the metabolite named, NAD+, which is naturally present in one's cell and serves as an important regulator of protein to protein interaction, ultimately stimulates the DNA repairing and evolving process.

As per a report by lifeboat foundation, as to examine the facts and factual, the group applied NAD+, in the form "booster" called as NMN, on mice. In the process, they found that the NMN acted very well to improve their cells' capacity to fix the DNA damages caused only due to radiation and ageing. The group has also declared to apply NMN on human body within the next 6 months to examine who the booster works on human cells. However, this innovation attracted NASA, as the authorities of the supreme space research organization claimed that this will terminate astronaut's ageing issues caused by the cosmic radiation when they are on long term space journey.

This innovation has also generated expected cures for childhood cancer survivors, the majority of whom face terrible chronic diseases like cardiovascular attacks, Type 2 diabetes, Cancer evolved due to earlier applied cancer debarring radiation etc. Besides all these, the researchers' group seemed also hopeful for launching an anti-ageing NMN pill soon.