Based on an article, there are more or less 2.7 million foreign, season, and guest program farmworkers across the United States of America. These workers can be seen supporting the operations of canned goods manufacturing, fish processing plants, farm fields, and orchards. 

Migrant farmworkers in the United States are those who leave their country of origin to work in the agricultural sector of the U.S. However, some are employed as seasonal farmworkers, these workers are granted the opportunity to work in the agricultural sector of the United States without having to leave their permanent residents. 

Since many immigrants work in the agricultural sector, GMOs should be a topic they should learn about. It can help improve how they work.

What is GMO?

GMO means genetically modified organisms. It occurs when an organism's genes are manipulated and engineered for transforming into something that does not naturally occur in nature. It can be conducted on plants and animals. 

There are foods that people eat that are genetically modified. According to an article, there are some GMO products that people are consuming the meets USDA standards. These foods include corn, soybean, tomato, potato, rice, canola, and squash. 

For corn, many of its genetically modified kind is mainly used to feed agricultural animals, says the article. Also, many of the other GMO products mentioned above are being used as animal feeds. 

Feed Your Mind

According to an article, consumers have little idea about GMOs and the components of the food they eat. To educate the public about GMO's, a partnership between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had been made. The initiative of the three agencies is called Feed Your Mind. The programs aim to provide facts, links to various information, infographics, and other educational materials about GMOs.

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Are GMOs Safe For Human Consumption?

Before genetically modified products are approved for human consumption, many regulatory agencies screen those products first. These agencies include the FDA, the USDA, and the EPA. They make sure that the processes employed in making GMOs are based on the given safety rules and procedures for genetically manipulating plants and other products. This ensures that before these products end up in the homes of many consumers, they are safe for consumption by the general public. 

For animals, GMOs are also subject to approval from the appropriate agencies to ensure that only safe genetically modified products are also provided for animals. 

According to an article, to help everyone determine genetically modified products or foods, there may be a label placed on them that indicate they are 'bioengineered food.' It means that products that are seen with this label indicate that they are made by genetic manipulation which does not occur naturally or through natural methods of farming or processing.