Famous Hawaii surfing star and photographer Mikala Jones, known for capturing breathtaking images and videos from within massive, curling waves, has tragically passed away, according to ESPN.

He was 44 years old.

"He was a humble artist. His pictures were incredible," his father said in a phone interview from his Honolulu office on Monday.

Dr. Jones admired his son's incredible pictures, which impacted those who viewed them.

While Dr. Jones himself had been involved in surf photography since the 1970s, predominantly capturing images from the beach or of other surfers in the water, Mikala ventured into a unique realm.

He pursued his passion by capturing photos of himself riding the waves, embracing the inherent risks of such a pursuit.

Mikala Jones was intimately familiar with the dangers associated with surfing, having encountered a near-drowning experience that resulted in an out-of-body encounter.

His father recounted the incident, describing how Mikala found himself floating above his body in the sky, only to hear his daughters calling out, urging him to return.

He then descended into his physical form, awakening on the reef after being washed in by the relentless waves.

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Hawaii Surfing Star Mikala Jones

Mikala Jones' lifelong connection to surfing began during his childhood in Kailua, Hawaii, where he first discovered the thrill of riding the waves.

As he grew older, he ventured into competitive surfing, participating in the 12-and-under age group. Impressive victories followed as he secured two national championships as an amateur, per Yahoo! Sports.

This success propelled him into professional surfing, embarking on global trips alongside sponsors and various companies.

Throughout his career, The Hawaii surfing star frequently graced the pages of magazines, featured in advertisements, and became a prominent figure within the surfing community.

He established partnerships with sponsors, enabling him to explore renowned surf spots worldwide, including Tahiti, Fiji, South Africa, and the Galapagos Islands.

Talented photographers captured images of him and fellow surfers maneuvering through the waves, adorning the pages of surf magazines.

Notably, surf clothing and gear manufacturers showcased Mikala and his peers in their advertising campaigns.

In the 1990s, Mikala Jones embarked on a pioneering journey, pushing the boundaries of surf photography by capturing first-person images of himself in the water.

With the advent of lightweight GoPro cameras, Mikala adopted the new technology and eventually secured sponsorship from the company.

Leveraging advanced software, he skillfully stitched together images from multiple GoPro cameras to create immersive 360-degree views of his surfing experiences.

Hawaii Surfing Star Cause of Death

In a tragic turn of events, Mikala Jones, the celebrated Hawaii surfing star, lost his life in a freak surfing accident on Sunday morning, PEOPLE reports.

The incident occurred along the coast of the Mentawai Islands, where a surfboard fin tragically severed his femoral artery, resulting in a 10-centimeter wound inside his left groin, as reported.

The femoral artery, a vital blood vessel responsible for supplying blood to the lower limbs, was compromised due to the severity of the injury.

Mikala's father expressed his grief and shared his efforts to emphasize the importance of wearing protective gear like wetsuits and helmets while surfing to his children.

He also recommended them use sandpaper to dull the edges of their boards if the fin becomes too sharp.

"But they're stubborn, you know?" John Jones said.

Hawaii surfing star, Mikala Jones, leaves behind his wife, Emma, and their two daughters,

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Bert Hoover

WATCH: Surfing Star Mikala Jones Dead at 44 - From Entertainment Tonight