Summer is quickly turning into fall, and with it, gamers' expectations and excitement are rapidly ramping up for the new PS4. What can you expect from the latest and greatest gaming console from the folks at Sony? Read below to find out.

Sony has been the crowd favorite in its battle with the Xbox One for becoming the king of next-gen gaming consoles. Not only does it come in priced a full $100 lower than the Xbox One (the PS4 will retail for $399), but it also didn't have to deal with the damaging fallout from a much-maligned DRM strategy like Microsoft did.

"However, don't let that victory trick you into thinking this issue is dead and buried. It only applies to first-party Sony games, with third-party publishers free to implement whatever DRM restrictions they can invent. That leaves PS4 gamers in the same position as they are today, with constant incremental implementation of DRM by publishers," writes

Will the PS4 be rolling out a bunch of games that will require 24/7 connectivity? Given the recent uproar caused by the newest SimCity's inclusion of an always-on feature, it's doubtful that too many game developers would institute such a DRM strategy. Still, it is a possible concern to be on the lookout for.

Other than than, there seems to be little that Sony has done wrong so far in its handling of the PS4. The specs for the new gaming console have also received quite a bit of attention, and rightfully so, as they pack a powerful punch. The shader throughput alone is expected to be at 1.8 teraflops, a full half of a teraflop greater than what the Xbox One is packing.

"AMD's technology is coursing through this new system's veins, and Sony recently told us that it believes the PS4 to be the most powerful gaming device every conceived. Sony revealed the system runs on a single-chip custom processor and utilises eight x86-64 AMD Jaguar CPU cores, with a next-gen AMD Radeon based graphics engine powering the way," reports TechRadar.

Sony has also recently announced when we can most likely expect the PS4 to grace the shelves: Nov. 15. Though that is later than an October date that many fans expected, it is still before the Xbox One, which is believed to be coming out in late November. The PS4 is expected to be available overseas by Nov. 29.