If you ever needed a good excuse to talk like a pirate, then today is your day!

All around the world, people are celebrating International Talk Like A Pirate Day, an annual commemoration that gives pirate lovers a reason to change their Facebook language preference to "English (Pirate)," showoff their collection of costume eyepatches and use the term "Arrrrgh!"

The linguistic holiday, which began back in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers aka Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy, has since grown into a worldwide phenomenon, reports the New York Daily News.

However, the creators credit Dave Barry for helping it to spread around the world after he mentioned it in his nationally syndicated newspaper column in 2002.

"The point is, there is no point," Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy say on the official International Talk Like A Pirate Day website. "And that's what's fun about Talk Like a Pirate Day specifically, and talking like a pirate in general."

Krispy Kreme will reward participants who use pirate slang when making an order with a free glazed doughnut, while customers who dress in full pirate garb will be rewarded with a dozen free Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

There are also countless Talk Like A Pirate Day events around the world, including free mini golf and pirate-y pub crawls, which can be viewed on this Google map. The online forum Reddit has also changed it's page to pirate-speak for the day.

In New York City, the Folk Music Society of New York is hosting a sing-along at OSA Hall at 220 E. 23rd St.

In addition, the Biker Entourage  motorcycle group will hold its third annual Pirate Ride on Friday night, where bikers dress up like pirates and ride through an area formerly known as New Amsterdam.

However, if you prefer to celebrate the day in the privacy of your own home, then check out a few great pirate movies like "Princess Bride," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Goonies" and "Hook."