"Breaking Bad" fans like myself are probably still recovering from Sunday night's episode. The fact that there are still two episodes left of AMC's hit meth-cooking drama has everyone wondering how everyone involved with the show will top that last episode.

With the series finale in less than two weeks, it seems that show is getting even more popular than before. Entertainmentwise reports that Sunday night's pivotal episode "Ozymandias" was the most-watched episode of "Breaking Bad" ever, garnering 6.4 million viewers, up from 5.1 million viewers from the week before.

Before this record-breaking episode, the most-watched installment was the Season 5 Part Two premiere, which drew 5.92 million viewers last month. The reason for the huge increase in viewership for the latest episode was presumably because the episode before left the audience hanging with an intense mid-shoot out cliffhanger. 

"Ozymandias" provided viewers with an intense and shocking hour of television that has been praised by most TV critics. It's safe to say that viewership might increase for the upcoming penultimate episode of the series, while the series finale may possibly bring in the most viewers ever. 

Bob Odenkirk, who has portrayed skeezy lawyer Saul Goodman since Season 2, recently told Collider  that the finale is a "car crash" that "shatters into a million pieces."

"Vince [Gilligan] doesn't duck the consequences of this all coming out," Odenkirk said. "It gets rough and it gets difficult for everybody. This is what Vince set up. You would be disappointed, if he found some out. I think the whole point, all along, is that nobody will get away with this."

AMC recently announced that it has greenlit a "Breaking Bad" spin-off titled "Better Call Saul," which will star Odenkirk in a prequel to the former series. Gilligan and "Breaking Bad" writer Peter Gould.

Fans have been spitballing many theories on how "Breaking Bad" will end. I personally think that both Walt and Jesse will end up biting the dust. After Sunday night's episode, it seems that no one is safe. The flashforwards have shown us that Walt is ready to kill more than one person, presumably Todd, Jack and his fellow Neo Nazi crew. 

My prediction? Walt will try and save Jesse from Todd and mostly everyone will die in a final shootout. Then again, this is "Breaking Bad" so I could be way off. As for the rest of White family's fate, your guess is as good as mine. Walt Jr. grows up to become a DEA agent while Skyler and Marie get put in the same mental institution?

I'd prefer the series to end with Walt dying at the hands of Jesse, who goes on to live a somewhat happy life. At this point, Jesse deserves that much. 

Fans of "Breaking Bad," let us know in the comments how you think the story will or should end.