The new "Fantastic Four" movie is less than a year away and, according to lead actor Miles Teller, this film will be dark.

During an interview with Matthew Jacobs for the Huffington Post, Teller, who is promoting his latest film "Whiplash" said "I will say that this film that we made is not really for little kids, I don't think. We do take a more mature approach."

This is no surprise, given the way comic book films have evolved. The first Fantastic Four films were released back in 2005 and 2007, when the comic film was transitioning. These original films had a light tone, similar to what Marvel has provided for its new films. However, after "The Dark Knight," a number of studios began to copy the style and tone of that film.

"The Amazing Spider-Man" and even "X-Men" series attempted to create a darker tone for their franchises when the studios rebooted them. "X-Men" succeeded, especially since it obtained great scriptwriters and a well-rounded cast. On the other hand, "The Amazing Spider-Man" failed with its scripts, but got the casting right.

It will be interesting if Fox will take the same risks it did in "X-Men" and if the cast will deliver as well.

Teller also revealed that he knows that there will be a lot of pressure with fans of the comic books. He admitted that audiences already have a perception of the character of Mr. Fantastic and, as a result, many fans will not agree to his interpretation. He said, "I already know that people hate me for the fact that I'm playing Reed Richards and that we're ruining their franchise. It's tough because when you're taking on a franchise that's already been established, you do kind of owe something to the characters and to the creator."

He added, "At the same time, you want to bring it to a fresh audience. My dad grew up with the 'Fantastic Four' comic book and not a lot of kids did, so you also want to make a movie that they can enjoy."

Teller also said denied that the new film would not be a found footage movie which many people had rumored it would be. He said, "Like you said, there are a million blogs and websites talking about the casting and they hear one little thing, like, oh, there was rumor it was a found-footage movie, so then there were a million comments on that. If we're going to be up for everybody's public disposal of it, I try not to get too caught up with anything on the Internet."

The new "Fantastic Four" film has obtained criticism for its casting, especially with Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm. The character was cast as a black man instead of a Caucasian character, which is what Storm was in the comics. Fans are also upset that the cast is younger than the original cast and that the film will be based off the comics Ultimate Fantastic Four.  

The new movie will be released in August of 2015 and will also star Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Tom Blake Nelson, and Toby Kebell. Josh Trank directed the new adaptation by writers Simon Kinberg ("X-Men: Days of Future Past").