Despite the news that Christian Grey will not be nude in the movie, fans all over the world are still anxiously awaiting the release of “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

The movie will be released Feb. 13, 2015, in time for Valentine’s Day, and fans cannot wait to see it. Last week Universal Pictures released a teaser video of a second trailer for the movie, which will be released on Nov. 14, according to Entertainment Weekly.

The teaser shows actor Jamie Dornan, who plays Grey, getting ready. The words “Mr. Grey will see you now” are seen in between shots. Another new addition in the teaser is another Beyonce song. She sings part of “Haunted” in the trailer and, according to Billboard, we may listen to the rest of the song when the full trailer is released later in the week.

She sang “Crazy in Love” in the first trailer released for the film and it would be interesting to listen to other songs by her during the film.

This is what some fans have been saying on Twitter:

However, not everyone is happy that Grey will not appear in the nude:

With the movie just a couple of months away, what do you expect to see in the film? Does it matter that Jamie Dornan will not appear nude or would that be considered not keeping true to the book? Say what you think in the comments.