Tesla Motors has made news headlines for all the right reasons in recent months - from great highway safety ratings to outstanding sales performances - and now the electric car company looks to attract customers with even more reasons to buy their cars.

The company chose to use AT&T to provide the high-speed wireless service to its cars. The cars are coming with AT&T network chips that are said to allow two-way connections for special services. The service in the cars will also include Internet access, navigation, and entertainment on a 17-inch touch screen, according to Bloomberg.com. The website also says Tesla cars may be equipped with Wi-Fi as well.

AT&T is no stranger to partnering up with the car companies. They recently partnered up with General Motors Co. to provide services for cars, starting with the 2015 models. GM recently announced that it would be moving forward with the creation of a more affordable electric car than the ones sold by Tesla.

Tesla sells the cars for $70,000 and they are sold to the consumer directly from the company. The Model S and the Model X are the only two cars that have been introduced by the electric car company. The company also features "Superchargers," which are charging stations but designed exactly like a gas station. This makes it a convenient and easy way for owners of these cars to stop and recharge.

"Tesla is the most appealing car to technophiles," Roger Entner, a wireless strategist from Masssachusetts, said to Bloomberg. "Connecting cars makes a tremendous amount of sense."

AT&T jumped less than a full percent to $34.44 at close in New York.