Small Business Saturday is literally a few days away, and for those of you that don't want to participate in the big-box-store corporate madness that is Black Friday, we have a few tips and tricks for you to support your local retailers without breaking the bank (or your patience). 

1. Check out their websites, & sign up for their newsletters -- oftentimes, small businesses will offer great discounts for their most frequent shoppers and loyal customers. Do you have a small business? Now would be a good time to send out special coupon codes, update your website with all your new inventory and special promotions, and let your loyal shoppers know what's going on!

2. Get social. Social networking has taken advertising to a whole new level. Utilize it to your advantage -- take to your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your specials. For an added punch, make some specials "social media only" -- for example, offer an extra discount for those customers who mention your Facebook ad, or a promotional premium for those who show your Instagram ad. Are you a consumer looking for a good deal? Try using your local hashtags, or #smallbusinesssaturday, to find some deals in your area.

3. Get busy with videos: YouTube is another great resource for those looking for a special deal or two -- the more interactive and "fun" the video, the more likely it is to create a response. 

4. Take it to the streets:  Sometimes the old ways are the best ways -- fliers, fliers, and more fliers are sometimes the best way to get the word out, especially locally, about your business. Are you a consumer looking for a good deal? Your local coupon mailers, public meeting place (such as a library or a coffee shop), and basic word of mouth are all good ways to help your local businesses. 

5. Party It Up: Are you a retailer looking to get your business up? Try offering something fun to inspire them -- cakes, cookies, free coffee, wine & cheese mixers, and more "free food" parties are great ways to promote your business and good will amongst your community. 

What are some of your Small Business Saturday tips? Share them in the comments below!