In yet another bone-headed move, the Republican National Committee sent out a Tweet thanking Rosa Parks for "ending racism," only to delete the Tweet moments later after a firestorm of criticism. 

According to The New York Daily News, the RNC sent out the Tweet to celebrate the anniversary of Rosa Parks' instrumental refusal to give up her seat on the bus to a white woman -- the fulcrum of the initiation of the Civil Rights Movement -- and sent out a Tweet saying "Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in ending racism," alongside a picture of Parks emblazoned with her famous quote: "You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right."

Needless to say, this comment led to a firestorm of controversy as many pointed out that Republicans, naively, believed that racism in America had been eradicated. This also led to a Twitter trending topic, "#RacismEndedWhen," which sparked a lot of sarcastic remarks and comments, including "I've been racially profiled. Have you?" and "Racism ended when the iPhone was made available in black AND white."

About 4 hours later, CNN reports that the RNC sent out a "clarifying" Tweet, which read as follows: "Previous tweet should have read "Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in fighting to end racism."  

So...what's your take on this latest move by the RNC: a simple misunderstanding or a deliberate show of ignorance? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!