Star Wars or Star Trek? That debate will rage for fans for decades to come. Everyone has their own criteria and at the end of the day, personal preference reigns.

That however has not stopped anyone from trying to find a way to differentiate the two major space opera franchises, and a recent video by WatchMojo has stepped up to the task.

In its lengthy 11 minute video, the pop culture site compares the two series in five distinct categories. The first category of the competition pits the two franchises spaceships against one another, giving Star Wars the edge by virtue of having the most famous space craft in movie history -- the Millennium Falcon. The following category compared is the scope of the galaxy, and Star Trek earns the victory here because of its scope in far more media over a longer period of time. Moreover, the website felt that the different races and cultures in the Star Trek universe created a far more complex world than that of its rival counterpart.

Things get interesting when Star Trek is the ultimate winner of the Sci-fi themes category, noting that while both franchises had strong thematic material, the Star Wars prequels hurt some of the original movie's novel ideas by explaining them; the midichlorians come into the discussion.

Then the tide turns decidedly in George Lucas' franchise with the special effects category, tying the matchup. Star Trek's effects are noted as being a tale of the rich and poor with newer films having state of the art visuals while the earlier efforts lacking in this department. The Star Wars prequels receive some knocks for their "cartoony" effects, but there is still respect for how they ultimately create large worlds.

The deciding category is heroes and villains. While Star Trek is recognized for having a plethora of fully fleshed out heroes and the memorable Khan as its villain, Star Wars takes the day with its unending supply of memorable characters. However the one to seal the deal for the Galaxy Far, Far Away is Darth Vader, arguably the most recognizable character in cinematic history.

Which side do you take in this never ending debate?