Taylor Swift recently filed a restraining order against a man who has been stalking her since January of 2011. TMZ reports the stalker, named Timothy Sweet, has been sending the country pop superstar downright creepy and threatening letters, and online messages through his email and social media accounts.

Based on his "messages of love" to Swift, Sweet is under the delusion that he is married to the pop star, or they will be someday. His messages include, "If anyone in Taylor's family gets killed, it is not my fault," and, "My wife, Taylor Swift (Sweet) and I live in Beverly Hills. I am in love with her. In conclusion, we treat each other with dignity and respect. I will carry a gun to protect her the rest of my life."

In one of his messages, he also threatened to kill "any man who gets in the way of our marriage. Message to John Kerry, Secretary of State. Message from YOUR presidential candidate."

His words to Swift are all equally alarming. But the first one might have had the biggest effect on the singer because it threatens the safety of her family. As a result, a judge ordered Sweet to stay at least a hundred yards away from both Swift and members of her family.

But Sweet is not the pop star's first stalker who did something outrageous or disturbing to prove his devotion to her. Vanity Fair reported in May of last year that a man did a two-mile swim just to meet his idol. According to the article, at around two in the morning, the man swam across an ocean to get to Swift's beach home, which was a mile away from his starting point. But upon seeing her security team, he turned back, completing a two-mile round trip swim. He was approached by law enforces after he got out of the water.    

Then, in July of the same year, a man named Joseph Jackson was arrested after sending death threats to Swift and calling her Satan during a concert. According to an article on Gossipcop, Jackson wanted to save the singer from her fate as the prince of darkness. He said, "Taylor Swift is Satan, and that 6,000 years is six days and death comes on the sixth day, so Taylor Swift is in danger."