The teaser in-game video of the Devastation DLC of "Call of Duty" the revealed that fans of the game will be going up against a Predator, the hunter that Arnold Scwarzenegger faced in his 1997 sci-fi action horror film. The video was released via the game's Instagram account, Polygon reported.

In the footage, the player is walking near what appears to be the Mayan ruins. He is then attacked by an entity that uses visual distortion camouflage. The trademark gurgle and roar of the Predator can also be heard in the background.

Although the inclusion of the Predator may seem absurd for some gamers, Kotaku noted that it wouldn't be the first time they faced off against an alien life form. In the Extinction mode of "Call of Duty: Ghosts", players were given objectives to destroy the hives of extraterrestrial creatures known as Cryptids. And, in Devastation's Mayday, players will go up against a new alien known as the Seeder.

The Devastation DLC is set for release on April 3 of this year for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 platforms. Aside from Mayday, the expansion pack also features four new multiplayer maps: Ruins, Behemoth, Collision, and Unearthed.

In Ruins, players can engage in a long-range combat scenario near a Mayan Temple. This map is probably where the Predator is lurking given the appearance of the surroundings in the video.

Behemoth, on the other hand, takes place in an excavation platform in South America whereas Collision features a container ship pinned under a destroyed bridge in New York. Lastly, the battle in Unearthed takes place in an alien relic dig site.

Each of the four maps has unique features that players can take advantage of to gain the upper hand against their enemies. For instance, players can use a helicopter armed with a rail gun while a volcano in ruins can be activated to shower the map with molten debris.

Here is the Predator video from "Call of Duty: Devastation":