
US Reaches Deal with Central America Over Migration Via La Bestia Train

Mexico and Guatemala agreed to help prevent migrants from illegally getting on the train
House Speaker John Boehner

House Republicans Vote to Sue President Barack Obama, But Scramble to Pass Immigration and Border Funding Bill

Ahead of the summer recess, the House of Representatives voted to grant House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, the authority to file his litigation against President Barack Obama, yet lawmakers continue to struggle to pass legislation for the border crisis.
Speaker of the House John Boehner

House Republicans' $659 Million Legislation for the Immigration, Border Crisis: What You Need to Know

Republicans of the House of Representatives have drafted their own bill to address the immigration crisis at the southern U.S. border, and it comes with a lower budget than President Barack Obama requested.

House Speaker John Boehner to Reject All Senate Immigration Reform Legislations if Added to Any Border Crisis Bill

Following Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's, R-NV, plans to add a comprehensive immigration reform bill on any legislation addressing the border crisis, Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, stated he will reject such efforts.
Harry Reid Speaks on Immigration

Border Immigration Bill Unlikely to Pass Before Congressional Recess

Democrats' immigration reform bill thats aims to curb the high number of unaccompanied child migrants from crossing into the U.S. is unlikely to pass before summer recess, while Republicans are seeking to pass their own immigration bill.

California Gov. Jerry Brown In Favor of State Having More Shelters for Undocumented Central American Children

On Tuesday, California Gov. Jerry Brown said he is willing to house additional undocumented Central American children in his state.
 Federal Court Judge Rules Obama's Immigration Executive Action 'Unconstitutional'

US Latinos Divided on Handling Influx of Undocumented Immigrant Children, Reform This Year ‘Very Important’

U.S. Latinos are divided on how to address the influx of undocumented Central American children entering the country, but a majority gave low marks to President Barack Obama's handling of the issue.

California Gov. Jerry Brown Visits Mexico, Hopes 'Wiser Minds Prevail' Over Texas. Gov. Rick Perry's Border Plan

On Monday, California Gov. Jerry Brown arrived in Mexico to discuss immigration and other issues.

Hillary Clinton Talks Immigration, Latinos in 'America with Jorge Ramos' Fusion Interview

An interview with potential 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on "America with Jorge Ramos" will air on Fusion on Tuesday. The interview features the democrat discussing immigration.
Obama Meets With Central American Leaders

Obama Outlines Plan With Central American Leaders to Address Immigration Crisis

Leaders from three Central American nations met with President Obama late last week to discuss possible ways to curb the influx of unaccompanied child migrants from journeying to the United States, as well as how to manage those who already crossed the border.

National Latino Organizations Release Final Congressional Report Cards Ranking Immigration Reform Progress

A coalition of national Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations released the final immigration score card ranking the immigration progress of lawmakers in the House of Represenatives.

Chicago Mayor Wants City to Shelter 1,000 Undocumented Central American Minors

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to shelter 1,000 undocumented Central American children in his city by the end of 2014.
Obama Meets With Leaders Of Honduras, Guatemala And El Salvador At White House

Honduran President: The US is the Largest Consumer of Drugs, Shares Blame in Immigration Crisis

Honduran President said that the issue is a humanitarian crisis and sprouted from the fight against drugs in the US, despite the fact that the US is the biggest consumer of drugs. And while the US only has to fight the public health and safety aspect, the backstage fight is the one affecting Central America and encouraging the migration.
Unaccompanied Migrants from Central America

New Report: Majority of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Now With Relatives in US

A new report indicates that the majority of unaccompanied migrant children from Central America are now living with relatives in the United States.
President Obama Signs Executive Order

Obama Administration Considering Giving Refugee Status to Honduran Children

White House officials said Thursday that the Obama administration is considering granting refugee status to undocumented children from Honduras.
The Media Gets A First Look At The Migrant Crisis: Thousands Of Kids Held In Concrete Cells

Guatemala President Calls on More Funding from U.S. to Solve Border Crisis

Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina said if the U.S. wants to solve the current border crisis it should give $2 billion in funding to Central American nations "to attack the root of the problem."
Immigration Rally

Immigrant Rights' Group Supports Senate Democrats $2.7 Billion Proposal for Immigration Crisis

With approximately 90,000 undocumented children projected to cross the Mexico-U.S. border, lawmakers in Washington, D.C. are trying to address the topic with new legislation, and immigrant rights’ groups are observing.
immigration murrieta

President Barack Obama Sends Defense, Homeland Security Officials to Evaluate Need for National Guard Troops at Texas Border

Days following Texas Gov. Rick Perry's announcement to deploy approximately 1,000 National Guard troops to the southern U.S. border, President Barack Obama will send a team to assess if Perry's decision would help ease the immigration crisis.

Immigrants' Rights Groups Discuss Conditions of Detained Mothers and Children at Artesia Family Detention Center

Immigrant rights groups spoke about the conditions at one detention center in New Mexico on Thursday, and the insufficient resources mothers and children are faced with.
Speaker of the House John Boehner

House Republicans Release Set of Proposals to Manage Immigration Border Crisis

House Republicans released a plan Wednesday to counter the Senate Democrats' proposals to deal with the growing immigration crisis.
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