"Resident Evil 7", the newest release in its franchise, is one of most scariest video games out there possibly the first to be so in 2017. Initial reviews already hinted that the game would terrify the onlooker and not just the gamer.

The previous sequels were pretty scary to even look at, but this new release is actually making people sick. There were also reports about people nauseating after gameplay. This is mainly due to the first person experience that's new in this game. It totally limits you in terms of visibility, which is probably the primary reason for the sickness.

Since the draw distance is very close and the angle of the in-game vision is also limited, this invariably leads to nervousness and once there's a sound, it's inevitable that people will really get terrified. Inside the buildings, the walking space is pretty narrow and you'll need to constantly hide behind objects in the path. People will know about what this is about, if they've played "Outlast".

All horror games require better thinking skills otherwise the gameplay gets messed up. People who are scared are mostly ending up running to a dead-end when in panic. An in-detail report from Kotaku reveals about the majority of the gameplay consisting of enemies, appearing directly in front of essentials for the game to progress further.

Polygon's review stresses that it is one of the must-play games, so, for all the daredevils out there, be prepared. Since it's based on horror, there's blood and gore everywhere. Those faint at heart, stay completely out of it. 

People are physically feeling weak after playing and some are even unstable after trying it out. The fact the game wasn't even played with a virtual reality headset should provide some insight about how "Resident Evil 7" is designed.