"Overwatch" director Jeff Kaplan has recently confirmed that some changes are coming to the 1v1 Mystery Heroes mode for the support characters in the game. In addition to that, some fans have suggested on making a unique in-game support character markers to help find them when in a pinch.

Here's what has been known so far about the upcoming "Overwatch" update:

1v1 Mystery Heroes mode Support Changes

According to TheBitBag, Kaplan explained through the "Overwatch" forums about why Lucio and Mercy are not playable in the 1v1 game mode. Kaplan explained that these two characters have big chances to force draws on 1v1 matches.

However, Kaplan hasn't closed the door on the two heroes and have confirmed that they will be looking for ways on how to reduce draw chances in these matches, which will be giving way for Lucio and Mercy to return to the game mode.

Lucio and Mercy's Advantages on Watchpoint Antarctica

In the 1v1 battle mode, Mercy's Caduceus Staff and Guardian Angel ability are rendered useless due to an obvious lack of ally targets. However, her passive does allow her to regenerate if she doesn't take hits for a while. Mercy can also drag out matches until the timer runs out if they use this regen wisely.

Meanwhile, Healing Auras and Crossfade Movement Speed can make Lucio last longer in 1v1 matches. Using the speed boosts, Lucio can rush in when fighting and retreat to heal up if he takes hit, which can be devastating if used correctly.

New Support Markers

According to GameRant, players want a new character marker for supports so they would be easier to find in the game. Players often scramble to find their supports when they're taking heavy damage and want to get healed soon.

Moving out in the open makes them an easy target. Implementing unique support markers will enable wounded players to move towards their healer correctly rather than making a guess by approaching each of the teammate markers.

Though this is a very useful idea, we would have to wait for some official updates and statements coming from the "Overwatch" team.