People have been asking questions about is there any other form of life outside the earth and is humanity isn't just alone in this universe? But in a recent NASA discovery, the researchers may have closer answers than before as they discovered that there up to 200 billion habitable planets in the galaxy and one of Saturn's 62 may found an indicator of life existence.

Though people vaguely knew alien life exists, scientist and researchers didn't confirm any of these. But NASA's Cassini Spacecraft has discovered a significant information that could lead to finding an answer to the very question.

According to a report, an erupting hydrogen gas from the plumes of Enceladus, a Saturn's moon is the result of the subsurface ocean's warm water and the moon's rocky core. It was described by the researchers from the Southwest Research Institute and claimed that the ocean floor of the moon probably has hydrothermal vents like the Earth.

Though the researcher's result wasn't that sure as they haven't found any presence of microbial life. But they still believe as the same level of energy source greatly suggests a habitable condition beyond the moon's icy crust, via Journal of Science.

In a report, Dr. Hunter Waite the lead researcher of SwRI and INMS stated that the Hydrogen is the source of the chemical energies in the Earth's ocean that supports the microbes that live in. Furthermore, the microbes can gain its metabolic energies from the mineral-laden fluid that helps them survive in the ecosystem.

And this explains by Dr. Christopher Gein and claimed that if same organisms lived in Enceladus then these organisms burn the hydrogen to acquire energy by chemosynthesis. Moreover, according to Brad Tucker, an astrophysicist from Australian National University says that there is an average of one in five stars have a planet similar to Earth, News has reported.

Tucker stated that there are about 20 billion Earth-like planets in just one galaxy alone and there are up to 40 billion or trillion of planets that are potential to be habitable. The recent studies will surely help the future exploration and NASA's 2020s Europa Clipper mission so they can broaden their own research about the life beyond Earth.