Baseball has always been a very popular sport within the Latin American community. Ever since Luis Castro became the first Latin American born player to play in Major League Baseball in 1902, Hispanics have flourished on the baseball diamond. More than 24 percent of MLB players are born in Latin American countries and Puerto Rico.

Historically, hitting has been at the top of the Latin American accomplishments. Players such Manny Ramirez, Sammy Sosa, Albert Pujols, and Roberto Clemente are prime examples. However, pitching has become more and more popular among Hispanic players and the success rate of Latinos on the pitching mound is growing.

All time, there have been 19 international pitchers born outside of the United States to throw a no-hitter. Out of those 19 pitchers, 18 are Latin American born. The only pitcher to throw a no-hitter born outside the United States and Latin America was Hideo Nomo, from Japan.

Five Latin American territories have contributed to the 18 no-hitters.

Dominican Republic (six)

Juan Marichal pitched the very first no-hitter by a Latin American born player in 1963 as a member of the San Francisco Giants. Marichal is currently the only Dominican born player in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Thirty-one years later, Ramón Martínez pitched a no-hitter with the Los Angeles Dodgers. José Jiménez added a no-hitter in 1999 for the St. Louis Cardinals. In the 21st century, three Dominican born pitchers have thrown a no-hitter: Ubaldo Jiménez, Francisco Liriano and Ervin Santana.

Venezuela (six)

The first Venezuelan born player to throw a no-hitter was Wilson Àlverez in 1991. Àlverez would enjoy a 100 win career in the majors. Venezuelan pitchers have had the most success among Latin American pitchers in the 21st century. Others have pitched a no-hitter such as Anibal Sanchez, Carlos Zambrano, Johan Santana and Henderson Alverez. Félix Hernández notably pitched a perfect game in 2012.

Mexico (three)

Fernando Valenzuela made history in 1990 when he became the first ever Mexican born pitcher to toss a no-hitter. Valenzuela would go on to win over 170 career games and was a six-time all star. Now, here's where things get tricky. In 1997, Francisco Córdova and Ricardo Rincón pitched a combined no-hitter for the Pittsburgh Pirates and it remains the last time that franchise has had a no-hitter thrown.

Puerto Rico (2)

In 1987, Juan Nieves became the second Latin American born pitcher to throw a no-hitter and the first Puerto Rican to successfully accomplish the feat. It wouldn't be done again by a Puerto Rican pitcher again until 2009, when Jonathan Sánchez dominated the San Diego Padres.

Nicaragua (1)

Only one Nicaraguan pitcher has ever pitched a no-hitter, but he did it in dramatic fashion. Dennis Martinez at the time was pitching for the Montreal Expos in 1991 and that season he pitched a perfect game. He is the first Latin American pitcher to throw a perfect game and won over 200 career games.

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