The big supermoon event that happened is somewhat of a once in a life time opportunity. A supermoon is the closest possible point the moon comes to Earth in its orbit. While the ocurrence of a supermoon is common, 2016 was one of the closest times in history.

There were three supermoon ocurrences in 2016. The biggest one was the second one. However, the third one also happened on 13th of December. It will still happen on the 14th but will be slightly smaller.

Space talks about the Supermoon and says that by incredible chance, not only was the moon a full moon, it was also a supermoon. Considering that this moon occurence happened in Mid December, it has deemed the name "Cold Moon".

Reason being that December is the month where there are cold winter nights around the Northern Hemisphere at least. That is why calling the supermoon the "Cold Moon" is somewhat of a fitting name.

According to The Washington Post, the Moon ocurred near the time of the Winter Solistice, which is the shortest day and longest night of the year. This will happen on the 21st of December and some people are also calling the moon "Long Nights Moon".

This year's Moon based combinations were so rare that they had not ocurred for the last 70 years nearly. Apart from that, they will not ocurr for another 18. This full moon is the 12th as well as the final full moon that happened in 2016. This is fitting since each moon cycle is about a month long.

Therefore it safe to say that the moon is concluded. It gave the humans 3 supermoons and one of them was the biggest that most people had ever seen. It also gave everoyne about 12 full moons and it ended with a fitting nickname. 

Even the moon has concluded its year with proper closure, it is time everyone else does the same.