The Pokémon Company has given an unexpected treat for the Pokémon fans, the arrival of its new mobile game called Pokémon Duel. The official game is a strategy battle game, where the players gather virtual figures and battle them trying to seize territory from the opponent. This Pokémon Go's new companion is now accessible for both Android and iOS gadgets.

The game was initially launched in Japan a year ago under the name of Pokémon Comaster. According to Digital Trends, the game shakes up the customary Pokémon format, and towards the match, every player has a duel set that consist of six Pokémon counter. This individual Pokémon have its own details, which includes, the number of steps they can move in a turn, and different assaults. The players can utilize their figures both to guard its territory and to attack the opponent.

The game still uses turn-based mechanics, however, the move access only on a mapped grid. Players interchange its moving Pokémon counters over the grid towards the enemy's region. Like most of the turn-based game plan, the measure of the movement over the guide every turn relies on upon the Pokémon. Just one Pokémon character will be able to move in every turn, it is just like a kind of Pokémon version of chess.

Moreover, Engadget added that the Pokémon are designed just like amiibo figurines instead of animated pets, and players are still ready to gather them all. When the duel starts, Spin the Data Disk to figure out which attack does the character will utilize. It likewise utilizes an exceptional plate at the beginning of every turn to power up the Pokémon in various ways. The goal of the game is to effectively catch the opponent's base with a single Pokémon.

In the game, the combat structure is a matter of luck. The more the player will play, the more powerful Pokémon will encounter. Additionally, there is a crafting mechanic that permits the players to level up their Pokémon and enhance their Data Disk as the game moves on. The player can utilize "plates" to support their Pokémon powers, such as the Boosters, and the player can exchange currency earned in-game for new Pokémon.

Moreover, there is likewise a league play mode that gives the player a chance to compete with real human opponents whenever from the home screen. The player can purchase Time Boosters that concede the player a Pokémon and plates, or buy particular specific plates directly. It is likewise possible to utilize Gems to open the Booster and buy things from the game's shop. The player can acquire Gems by playing Pokémon Duel every day or by completing its daily mission. Pokémon Duel is a free game and it is now available either the Apps Store or Google Play.