Mexican women have reached different milestones throughout history. Their uniqueness is based on their diversified backgrounds, cultures, and upbringing. They are some of the best friends you will ever make.

If you have a Mexican girlfriend whom you want to have a deeper connection with, here are some tips to understanding her better:

Unique Beliefs and Rituals

Tradition helps preserve some interesting habits. Most people may not believe in these rituals or traditions, but some still do. 

One example of this is the belief of attaching a safety pin or a red ribbon to the underwear of pregnant women during a lunar eclipse to protect the unborn child from negative forces. 

Also, it is preferred to maintain a good number of yellow and red underwear. This tradition reflects wishes for good luck in love and finances when welcoming the New Year. 

Furthermore, some Mexican women believe in placing the image of St. Anthony of Padua on an altar with candles and then turning it upside down on the day a miracle happens in hopes of finally meeting their soulmate. 

Close Relationship with Their Mothers

Not only Mexican women but also Mexican men develop a strong bond with their mother. However, the relationship between sons and daughters are different.

For Mexican mother-daughter relationships, shifts from total love and total hate are relatively straightforward. As both the mother and the daughter become closer, the stronger these shifts become. This behavior may be one of the reasons why other people tend to misinterpret the complexity of the bond between the two. In a more straightforward case, the relationship of a Mexican mother and her daughter is similar to that of best friends as sometimes overly dramatic misunderstandings occur.

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 A Good Knowledge on Healthy Living

Mexican women believe in the healing powers of teas and herbal combinations. They are good at making home remedies to various health issues such as the use of honey lemon tea for treating a cold, the use of chamomile to relieve stomach pain and to promote a better quality of sleep and the used of valerian to calm someone's nerves. Also, Mexican women are very good at making weight-reduction plans.  


Mexican women are caring, loving, and affectionate individuals. They express their love for their partners painstakingly. Ask someone who has dated a Mexican woman, and there is a high chance that they will agree to this statement. 

Love for Parties

Most Mexican women are cheerful. They are easy to get along with, they are outgoing, loud, and loves to have fun. In Mexico, girls love to dance when given the opportunity.

Always Late

Due to the amount of time they spend to get ready for an appointment, the majority of Mexican women arrive late to some pre-arrange meetups and other events. 

Strong Personality

In history, Mexican women are portrayed as having a strong sense of rebelliousness and quick temperament. Their personality is affected by widespread gender issues in society. They always aim to express themselves freely.