Donald Trump has had some rather questionable ideas in his tenure as president of the United States, from nuking a hurricane to suggesting people inject themselves with bleach to fight COVID-19. However, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman's new book revealed he had another troubling idea as president, and that was bombing drug labs... in Mexico.

It was unclear whether or not the former president knew this would cause an international incident with Mexico, as this act would challenge Mexican sovereignty.

However, an excerpt from Haberman's upcoming book, "Confidence Man: THE MAKING OF DONALD TRUMP AND THE BREAKING OF AMERICA," reveals he repeatedly asked former Defense Secretary Mark Esper if the U.S. could bomb drug labs in Mexico to stop the influx of drugs across the border. Forbes reported that Esper was repeatedly shocked by these ideas from the most powerful man on Earth.

'Confidence Man' Reveals More Disturbing Stories of Donald Trump as President

The book also talked about Trump's interactions with other world leaders. He reportedly had crass interactions with them, calling former German Prime Minister Angela Merkel "that b****." He also asked former British Prime Minister Theresa May about her views on abortion, and asked, "Imagine if some animals with tattoos raped your daughter and she got pregnant?"

However, while Trump was a bit problematic with his action toward allies, he was a lot softer with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The book detailed how Trump often complimented the Russian leader for his strength and even suggested the two countries form a joint cyber unit. However, experts pointed out that this would basically let Russians into the U.S. investigations of hacking.

According to the Washington Post, several Trump aides also tried preventing Trump from tweeting a classified photo of an Iranian facility until its classified markings can be removed. However, he did so anyway. He even said, "If you take out the classification, that's the sexy part."

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Donald Trump Mistook Staffers of Color for Waiters and Other Disturbing Stories

According to Rolling Stone, which also obtained excerpts from Haberman's upcoming book, a racist incident happened when then-President Trump held a reception with top congressional leaders, including some Democrats.

The Democrats came with a racially diverse staff, though Trump just thought they were waiters and asked them to retrieve the canapes. The staffers belonged to Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer and Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi. This prompted then-White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, to correct the then-president and told him they were top aides to the Democrats.

In that same meeting, Trump also told the Democratic leaders that they only lost the popular vote because "illegals" voted.

The Haberman book also noted that Trump was far sicker with COVID-19 than previously indicated, as he was genuinely fearful of dying when he caught the disease in October 2020. However, this was despite aides him telling to take their masks off when he was around during the first year of the pandemic.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Trump Reportedly Asked If U.S. Could Bomb Mexican Drug Labs, Book Says - Forbes Breaking News