Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has recently announced her intention to support Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 US presidential election.

This declaration marks a significant shift in her stance towards her former opponent and boss.

Haley, who previously served as Trump's United Nations ambassador, was one of his major rivals in the party primary contest earlier this year, suspending her campaign in early March.

Despite this, she refrained from endorsing him at the time, urging him instead to earn the support of the millions who had backed her candidacy, BBC reports.

Haley's journey from primary challenger to potential Trump supporter has been closely watched.

Despite dropping out of the race, she has continued to garner support, winning over 20% of the vote in multiple state primary elections in recent weeks.

This lingering support has drawn attention from both the Donald Trump and Joe Biden camps, as they seek to court her supporters.

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Haley's Critique of the Biden Administration

In her first public remarks since leaving the presidential race, Nikki Haley did not hold back in her criticism of President Joe Biden.

Speaking at the conservative Hudson Institute think-tank in Washington DC, she labeled the Biden administration's handling of various international crises as disastrous.

From the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan to the perceived abandonment of Israel, Haley painted a grim picture of Biden's foreign policy record.

She argued that while Donald Trump may not have been perfect, Biden's tenure has been marked by catastrophe, according to Fox News.

Despite her endorsement of Trump, Haley stopped short of urging her supporters to follow suit. Instead, she emphasized the need for Trump to reach out to her base directly, recognizing the diversity of opinions within the Republican Party.

This move highlights Haley's desire to maintain her independence and influence within the party.

Speculation Surrounding Haley's Future

Haley's announcement has sparked speculation about her future role in the Republican Party.

Some observers have suggested the possibility of a Trump-Haley ticket in November, while others believe she may be positioning herself for a potential presidential run in 2028.

Regardless of her next steps, Haley's endorsement of Trump has reshaped the political landscape and brought renewed attention to her role within the party.

The Joe Biden campaign has sought to capitalize on Haley's endorsement of Trump by continuing to court her supporters, CNN noted.

They argue that Haley's backing of Trump does not change the fundamental choice before voters, emphasizing Biden's commitment to democracy, diplomacy, and bipartisanship.

Nikki Haley's decision to support Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election represents a significant moment in her political career.

As a former rival turned ally, her endorsement carries weight within the Republican Party and could potentially shape the outcome of the election.

However, Haley's continued independence and willingness to speak out against both parties signal that she remains a force to be reckoned with in American politics.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Nikki Haley says she will vote for Trump - From CBS Evening News