The public disapproves of President Barack Obamas and the GOP's handling of the immigration crisis, based on new polling data.

According to an ABC News and Washington Post poll, more people disapprove of the congressional Republicans' handling of the undocumented immigrants crossing the southern U.S. border from Mexico than blame Obama. For the commander-in-chief, 58 percent disapproved of his handling of the immigration crisis while 66 percent disapproved the overall management by Republicans in Congress.

The approval rating for Obama was higher than for Republicans by 10 percentage points. Specifically, 33 percent of the respondents approve of Obama's handling of the immigration issue while 23 percent approved the GOP's response.

Taking respondents by political affiliation, 85 percent of Republican voters disapproved of Obama's handling of the issue while only 12 percent approve. Among Democrats, 57 percent are in approval while 27 percent disapproved. With Independents, the disapproval rating hit 60 percent while 28 percent approved. More Independents, however, had "no opinion" on Obama's handling of the topic.

In regards to racial affiliation, Hispanics, in the majority, disapproved Obama's response to undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S. with 54 percent, but 40 percent showed approval. Whites also showed their disapproval with 66 percent while 27 percent approved. In comparison to African Americans, the majority approved with 55 percent while 35 percent disapproved.

The GOP's handling of the issue was narrowly in the "approve" category among respondents identified as Republican. Republican respondents approved of the GOP's work with 48 percent, but 45 percent showed disapproval. Among Democrats, 85 percent disapproved the Republicans' handling and 9 percent approved. Independents were also in the majority to disapprove the GOP's management of undocumented immigrants with 65 percent and 22 percent approved.

Based on race, more African Americans disapproved the GOP's handling on the matter than Hispanics and whites. While all races in the survey agreed to disapprove the GOP's management on undocumented immigrants, African Americans led the way with 71 percent but 21 percent also showed approval. Among Hispanics, 68 percent disapproved while 23 percent approved. Whites also heavily showed disapproval with the GOP with 66 percent, but 24 percent approved.

Obama requested $3.7 billion in funding to address the immigration crisis. The funding would be split to provide care to undocumented minors, speed deportation hearings and cases and increase border security. Based on the polling data, 53 percent are in favor of Obama's request, but 43 are in opposition.

Along political lines, 66 percent of Democrats and 35 percent of Republicans surveyed approve of Obama's $3.7 billion request. More Republicans disapprove of the financial request, with 59 percent while 31 percent of Democrats also showed opposition. With Independents, 51 percent were in approval as 46 percent disapproved.

When it comes to race, Hispanics and African Americans are in favor of the $3.7 billion request except for whites. White respondents tied at 48 percent while African Americans were heavily in favor with 72 percent and 26 percent disapproved. Hispanics were less supportive than African Americans. Hispanics, with 54 percent, approved of the budget request while 43 percent opposed.

The survey was conducted via telephone between July 9 and July 13 with 1,016 adults participating.


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