A brand new bug has been discovered for the Rockstar Games hit, Grand Theft Auto V. This latest glitch opens open a brand new area that is playable in Grand Theft Auto Online.

The newly discovered bug allows gamers to travel to North Yankton, the town seen in the prologue of Grand Theft Auto V, in the online version of the video game. According to Metro, snowy North Yankton is Grand Theft Auto's version of North Dakota. It is implied that the area sits on the border of the United States and Canada. North Yankton is also seen in the main game's tutorial and in the Bury the Hatchet story mission.

CVG was the first to publish the discovery of the glitch. According to the website, all you have to do is replay the prologue mission in Grand Theft Auto V. Once you are at the part when you are leaving the bank and the police are arriving, pause the game and have a friend invite you to play their Grand Theft Auto Online game. North Yankton will then appear at the bottom right of your map. You can reach the town via aircraft.

"It's also a strange glitchy spectacle of a city suspended in the sky, displayed for the first time without the fog or midnight sky, plonked at the most random location," CVG said of North Yankton. "There's also, by the way, some cool(ish) / interesting things to explore."

IGN reports that gamers can race around North Yankton, just like in Los Santos, and discover new areas. Metro predicts that North Yankton access is a bug, and it is possible that Rockstar Games will soon get rid it with a new patch. So if you want to go for a snow ride, do it quickly.

Check out a guide to North Yankton below: