Miley Cyrus has been clinging to headlines since her first controversial performance at the VMAs in August, 2013. From her provocative outfits, to her sexually oriented music videos and performances, everyone has something to report.

In Cyrus's latest interview with Fuse to discuss her upcoming tour, she has stated that she hopes her worldwide tour, Bangerz, will be "educational" for children, especially those from small towns. Cyrus has been quoted as saying her concerts are a form of art that children in small towns are not usually exposed to. She claims that small town children are taught to view things as only black and white and this makes her especially excited to be bringing her tour to places where her behavior is not generally accepted and children will be able to learn about different forms of art.

Her interview with Fuse magazine that included her sister; Brandi and mother; Tish was done just hours before her version of art surfaced online. Photos of the pop star were released that show her straddling a giant hotdog that is suspended from air. Cyrus has recently been criticized by numerous parent groups for her on stage antics, which Cyrus compares to Madonna's tours, but for a younger audience.

Cyrus has decided that her upcoming tour will offer some acoustic songs. The singer has stated that people are more interested in her clothes and what she will or will not be wearing. She is hoping that playing some of her music completely unplugged will force people to look past the shock value that she provides in her shows.

Many parent groups are still not impressed with Cyrus's upcoming tour and feel that the pushing of the art factor, and claiming her tour will be "educational" will only help with ticket sales by making parents reconsider their views on a mega star.