US President Donald Trump

Trump Signing an EO to Temporarily Suspend Immigration into the US

President Donald Trump said he will sign an executive order for the temporary suspension of immigration in the United States in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mexico Considers Reducing COVID-19 Regulations

Mexico is considering reopening some portions of the country by the middle of May, despite the rising number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and fatalities.
A fentanyl user obtains a

Drug Cartels Scramble To Profit Amid COVID-19 Crisis

The global pandemic coronavirus is putting a dent to the illegal drug trade with borders closed and economies paralyzed in many countries. With drug sales plummetting, numerous cartels, especially those along the border, have made asylum seekers the new commodity.
HIV Cases Represent Additional Challenge In The COVID-19 Battle

HIV Cases Represent Additional Challenge In The COVID-19 Battle

How does HIV affect the patients’ battle against COVID-19?
#AyudaEnEspañol Campaign Launched to Keep Hispanics in the US Updated About COVID-19

All Non-English Speaking Hispanics Need to Know About COVID-19 Is On This Site

The call for COVID-related material in multiple languages to serve the US minorities from different regions of the world, including Hispanics, is pertinent as ever.

Amid Protests, IMSS Has Announced to Spend Over Mex$5 Billion for Medical Supplies

The largest health institute in Mexico is seeking to spend over five billion pesos for medical equipment.
COVID-19 Positive

Here's Why Latinos Are Hit Hard by COVID-19 in Washington

Latinos are disproportionally affected by COVID-19 in Washington based on the data of the state Department of Health.

‘One World: Together At Home’ Raises $127.9M COVID-19 Funding

One World: Together At Home, a worldwide broadcasting event, was able to raise $$127.9 million. It will be used to support the world’s fight against COVID-19.

Migrant Farm Workers Have Always Been Essential

It is only now that the farmworkers are recognized as essential workers in the U.S. workforce. However, they have always been essential even before the COVID-19 crisis.
President Donald Trump

Trump Announces $19 Billion Relief Fund for Farmers

President Donald Trump, along with the U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue, announced that an amount of $19 billion would be for farmers and ranchers who are negatively impacted by COVID-19.

Here's Why Panic Buying is Not Necessary

Shortages are being observed in grocery stores across the country. The food supply chain in the US is currently adjusting to the changes brought by the COVID-19.
Medical workers take care of a patient at the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Nossa Senhora da Conceicao hospital, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Slashed Tires and Physical Abuse: Health Workers Fight Violence Amid War Against COVID-19

Doctors, nurses, and medical staff are fighting a new threat across the globe as they work on curing patients of the global pandemic COVID-19.
FILE PHOTO: Two nurses wearing protective masks pose inside the new immediate response mobile hospital in Pachuca

Latin America, One of the Most Vulnerable Regions, Has Many Challenges Ahead

The first few weeks of the pandemic are enough to show if countries can cope with COVID-19. In Latin America, there seem to be more challenges than the capacity to deal with the coronavirus.

Radical Steps on Gender Distancing Taken by Latin American Nations

In their strong initiative to combat COVID-19, some of the Latin American nations have taken a step to promote social distancing and that is to separate men and women.

Gov. Abbott Forms ‘Strike Force’ for Safe Opening of Texas Businesses

Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently announced the economic response of the state to COVID-19 at a news conference held on Friday.

45% of COVID-19 Patients in Rhode Island are Latino

Latino leaders recently shared they were alarmed after hearing the director of the state health say that around 45 percent of the Rhode Islanders who "tested positive for COVID-19" are Latino.
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