Nobody really knows and discover the universe. It holds a lot of secrets and mysterious substances that they called dark matter and dark energy that accounts for about 95 percent. But despite the big effort of some scientist to find out, they just really don't know. Dark matters exist due to the gravitational pull of galaxy clusters and scientist concluded that there's another matter that holds the gravity together.

Scientist concluded that there must be some other or some extra material that is made up of unknown particles that are invisible to people. Scientists are already trying these unknown particles, and Benjamin Varcoe and Diego A. Quinones have come up with the idea to probe dark matter that may prove successful: by just using atoms that are capable of being 4,000 times larger than usual.

It was presented by John Dalton in early 1800s the existence of atoms and it is indivisible components of all the matter. But JJ Thompson and Ernest Rutherford further discovered around the 20th century that the atoms consist of nucleus and electrons, and Erwin Schrödinger described atom and it is called today as quantum theory.

According to the report of The Conversation, the study suggests that it makes the atoms ideal as probes for the detection of some particles that do not interact strongly with the regular matters like dark matter. Their model was based on the fact that the weakly interacting particles must change from the nucleus of the atom and exchange a small drop of energy with it. The entire energy of the atom changes that can be analyzed to achieved information about the properties of the colliding particle.

But the amount of the transferred energy is very small, the report further suggests that a special kind of atom is needed to make the interaction relevant. They come up with "Rydberg atom," these are the atoms that have a long distance between the nucleus and electron and these kinds of atom possess high potential energy.

Trapping the atoms in the lab and preparing them in Rydberg state is possible and making them big as 4,000  times than their original size by illuminating the atoms with a laser at a very specific frequency. The experiments merely look for the dark matter particles by trying to identify their scattering off electrons or nuclei on Earth. The report further revealed that Axion might be one and can be a strong candidate for dark matter particle, as per the report of Phys Org, the experiments really require atoms to be treated with extreme care.

The report further suggests that they are still working to improve the sensitivity and aims to extend the range of the particles that it can be able to perceive.