When the news of Star Wars VIII first broke off, all the questions from its cast, plot, the antagonists and even the teasers came out, plaguing its production staff and even the casts of 'The Force Awakens' to give at least a hint. But most of all, despite all the teaser videos of shootings and interviews from the actors, the main let out from here is the movie's title as this can somehow explain it all. However, as the title was known, 'The Last Jedi', fans was left wondering if someone very special will die, or something like the apocalypse, in which the only one will survive.

There is no doubt that the one Jedi who deserves all the credit must only be Luke Skywalker; with his experience and wisdom, he is a true teacher with a heart. Knowing Jedi's from a long time ago, they are an epitome of power and superiority, something that tended to have been abused by them. Based on reports from Cinema Blend, Jedi's are the good guys that try to win over the bad ones from the First Order, and as they succeed, comes the supremacy that emanates from their whole being.

With only that on their mind, their hearts are as cold and emotionless bearing no sign of mercy to the accused and no affection to the sad and lonely. Those traits were not inherited by Luke Skywalker and if he plans to train Rey, she will be the 'First' of her kind, the true 'chosen one' to destroy all pretentions of the past Jedi. As ComingSoon reported, Rian Johnson has already confirmed the start of Rey's training with Luke Skywalker in Star Wars VIII.

But what is the use of wondering who is 'The Last Jedi' if it was already hinted on the first of the Star Wars Trilogy, 'The Force Awakens', when it was shown on its opening crawl? For those who have watched Star Wars VII, Supreme Leader Snoke has already addressed Luke Skywalker as 'The Last Jedi'. Surely there is already no doubt who the title is referring to, fans are just as thrilled to see more of Luke Skywalker in the movie and how he can make a difference and detect an error in the traditional Jedi ways.