It was recently revealed that there is Super-Earth existing in the solar system and discovered that there are 60 new planets. The report by a team of international scientists in the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey and confirmed that aside from the discovery of 60 new planets, there are over 56 potential planets that can support life as these planets were claimed to be Earth-like.

The discovery was led by astronomers' Steve Vogt, Geoffrey Marcy and Paul Butler. The team has discovered a total of 114 new planets wherein there are 60 new planets and 54 potential planets out the solar systems. According to the scientists, there are several planets that are Earth-like and can support humanity, Fox News has reported.

The Super-Earth planet is named Gliese 411-B. Super-Earth Gliese 411-B claimed can support the humanity, the hot exoplanet is the 4th nearest to the solar system and has a rocky surface. Scientists got the idea that super-Earth can support life due to the fact that these planets found orbiting all stars close to the sun.

Scientists are very open to the possibility and expecting that the Earth-like condition might support alien life. USA Today reported that with the help of Hawaii's Keck-I telescope, Butler stated that their discovery was a crowning glory as an astronomer as the newly discovered planets further understands and enhances the processes in planetary formations and for the effortless imaging planets in the future.

The survey made a big contribution to the scientists in a better understanding of the planets in the past 2 decades by tracking the movements of the nearby stars. For detecting any signs that signify a life beyond Earth, NASA develops a technology that more effective than the device used by spaceship Mars Curiosity rover.

In a paper published, one of the NASA researchers suggested a laser-provoked fluorescence recognition. It is by blazing a mixture of organic molecule to point and identify amino acids, and in detecting a remote planet's habitability and NASA recently developed a new model. The exoplanet Proxima Centauri b is not habitable as the planet were tested and found that it is a dead world.