A member of the Evad3rs hacking group reminded jailbreak fans last week not to upgrade to iOS 7.1 but provided no indication of the group's plans for future jailbreak updates.

In a tweet, @Musclenerd referred to iOS 7.1 and warned jailbreakers to "stay away from it!"

It remains unclear whether or not the group actually plans to go forward with an iOS 7.1 update but one of the members recently provided a hint.

"For iOS 7.1, I don't know ... there is a big chance the evad3rs won't focus on it as a team ... expect that for iOS 8," pod2g said, according to idigitaltimes.com. "If one day, I find myself bored and can put enough time and energy into it, I have some ideas for how to make a 7.1 jailbreak ... depending on how it has been fixed and other external events."

In other related news, jailbreakers can now enjoy a new tweak from Cydia. According to App Advice, a new tweak called KeyShortcut makes shortcuts even easier. This follows along the same pattern as many other Cydia tweaks that are created with shortcuts in mind.

"Once downloaded and installed, users will find that they're able to hold down the 'c' letter on the iOS keyboard in order to copy text," App Advice's Joe White said. "If, on the other hand, you hold down 'v,' this sees iOS paste the contents of the clipboard into the current text field; holding 'a' selects all of the text in the current text field, too."

Are you one of the many people waiting for the next jailbreak update? If so, which Cydia tweak is your favorite out of the many available on the Cydia store? Feel free to go ahead and let us know what you think in the comments section located down below.