Now that the iPhone 5s is about to hit the shelves in stores everywhere, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is facing some competition.

Although the new iPhone has many improvements from the previous one, Apple has taken shots at Samsung by bragging about how they do not "pack in feature after feature." 

The phone is not only faster now but has a better camera and a special fingerprint sensor that could help improve the phone's security and prevent thieves or hackers from accessing information. The new 67-bit A7 is what will speed up the new phone, and the chip's small size helped provide the space to improve the camera.

The Samsung Galaxy S4, on the other hand, has a larger and sharper screen. Also, the battery is easily removed from the Galaxy S4, making it much easier to remove the battery or sim card. 

What would be more appealing? Would it be the large screen on the Galaxy or would it be the improved operation of the iPhone5s? This is where many people differ, but it is likely that the iPhone will fare better considering how many people prefer a smaller, but faster phone over a slower one.

The iPhone 5s will be on sale Sept. 20and will be starting at $199. Depending on the plan or carrier, you could pay as much as $849. The Samsung Galaxy S4 does have the advantage in price as it is listed for $99 at Sprint. The cheaper iPhone, the 5C, will be the same price as the Galaxy S4, but its specs are inferior to Samsung's flagship phone.