With only 8 days to go before Christmas, I'm sure you're as tired of hearing the same holiday songs on the radio as I am. Honestly, how many times can you hear Deano sing about Santa bringing toys for every good girl and boy? So, with that in mind, here are the top 10 Christmas songs of all time, as decided by me.

10. Feliz Navidad -- Jose Feliciano

For many of us non-Latinos, this was our first introduction to the Spanish language. And, really, all he's saying is "Merry Christmas, a rich year, and happiness." Obviously, it was a very different time.

9. Dominick The Donkey -- Lou Monte

Speaking of "a very different time," this song was offensive to Italian-Americans long before "The Sopranos," "Jersey Shore," and "The Real Housewives of New Jersey." Ey, Dominick! Buona Natale, eh?

8. I Saw Mommy F*cking Santa Claus -- Matt Rogers

We all know what Mommy was doing with Santa under the mistletoe... and it wasn't kissing him. Talk about getting your jollies. I still can't understand why they don't play this song on the radio. Damn FCC.

7. Oi To The World -- No Doubt

Piss off punk rock purists (the original was done by The Vandals) AND annoy the hell out of your stodgy neighbors at the same time with this infection of a song. Oi to the world and everyone wins, indeed!

6. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen -- Barenaked Ladies feat. Sarah McLachlan

Sarah McLachlan has the voice of an angel, granted, but I think the Barenaked Ladies are about as funny as a terminal cancer diagnosis. I definitely don't get Canadian humor, which is why I can't understand why this song is so "clever." However, it's no more, or less, annoying, than the songs on the radio right now, so it makes the list.

5. The Most Offensive Christmas Song Ever -- The Cast of "South Park"

For those who get HIGHLY OFFENDED by the fact that there are Christmas songs that aren't all about Jesus (never mind the fact that Christmas is a derivative of the pagan holiday Saturnalia...), this song is for you.

4. Happy XMas (War Is Over) -- Sarah McLachlan

Remember upthread, when I said that Sarah McLachlan had the voice of an angel? Yeah.

3. Christmas in Hollis -- Run-DMC

Look, Run-DMC are rap royalty, and are universally lauded across every genre. But this? This was SO unnecessary... which, of course, is the reason I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT.

2. Christmas Wrapping -- The Spice Girls

Remember The Waitresses' song about finally meeting up with Romeo while shopping for a last-minute can of cranberry sauce? Yeah... this isn't it.

1. Christmas Was Better in the 80s -- The Futureheads

...and that about sums it up, folks!