Just in time for Valentine's Day, the Pew Research Internet Project has released a survey about how the internet and social media has impacted couples' lives. The takeaway? The internet and the devices connected to it can be good relationship tools, if treated properly. Also, people are sexting more.

Pew's most recent report, called "Couples, the Internet, and Social Media," takes a look at how the modern digital age has impacted our relationships with each other, focusing on how married and/or committed couples feel about the role of smartphones, social media, texting, and the world wide web in their shared lives.

"Couples use technology in the little and large moments," states Pew's summary. "They negotiate over when to use it and when to abstain. A portion of them quarrel over its use and have had hurtful experiences caused by tech use. At the same time, some couples find that digital tools facilitate communication and support."

Pew asked a slew of questions, in English or Spanish, to a sample of over 2,000 adults in the U.S. The questions ranged from ordinary to a little invasive, though most of the survey focused on the nuts and bolts of relationships and how the digital world impacts them.

Tech: Causing and Curing Couples' Conflicts

Among their findings: unsurprisingly, far more younger adults than those 65 or older report that the internet has impacted their relationship -- at 45 percent compared to 10 percent.

Of younger adults aged 18-29, 8 percent say they've been upset by something their partner was doing online (you can guess what that "something" is), and 42 percent of cellphone-owning young adults say that their partner has been distracted by their mobile phone while they were together -- a figure that seems under par, considering that 100 percent of people in their 20s seem to be distracted by their phones all the time. Pew found that 25 percent of all adults in general felt their partner was distracted by their cell phone when they're together.

It's not all bad though, as 74 percent of all adults said the internet had a positive impact on their partnership, with 21 percent of couples saying they have felt closer because of exchanges they've had together online or with texting. Even more positive, 9 percent said they've resolved an argument that they otherwise were having problems solving in person via text message or email.

Latinos Don't Share Passwords

Perhaps one of the most surprising statistics by Pew's research revealed that Latino adults, on average, are much less likely to share passwords with their significant others than the general population. Pew found that an average of 67 percent of internet users in relationships shared one or more passwords with their partners. But broken down into demographic groups, Pew's survey reveals that less than half of Latinos in relationships share passwords with each other. Where's the trust?

Sexting On the Rise

Of course, Pew couldn't do a survey on relationships, love and technology without asking about sexting -- the act of texting naked photographs taken with one's cell phone to a love interest or partner -- and the center's research has found that the digital disrobing practice has exposed itself (sorry) to one out of every five adults with a cell phone.

On top of that, nearly one in ten cell phone users now have sent a sext. That's a statistically significant increase in sexting since 2012, the last time Pew Internet was so bold as to inquire. At that time, only 6 percent had sent a sext and 15 percent had received one. Luckily, for those bold sexters who nonetheless value discression, the practice of forwarding sexts remains uncommon and unchanged over the last two years, with only 3 percent of people who received a sext admitting to forwarding it to someone else.

Check out Pew's full report here, where you'll find lots of other interesting tidbits about relationships in the digital age.